I wish the view changed and the grass was greener for if there is a fence there is always some side and the grass is different and the words are different on the other side of the rainbow – burned long ago – don’t be upset about flares and torches don’t be upset about roses about forests more storms’ll come and more noise please keep mum about the grass being the same green and the view is the same but we still have problems with squaring the circle and choosing the words sowing the wind and defending the field introduce yourself nicely – what irony – don’t squeal when a bumblebee hides in the grass here is my street here is the river and the palace and this is my head bowed in repentance I’ll repent – that’s the deal put yourself within the space of language here is your place here is the fence and here is the frame of steel my part will be dead never finished barely in a form of a footnote to the events that we’ll gloss over because it’s so comfortable to live and quite safe but only if I keep quiet only if I conceal myself and even if I shout – no one to defend me and no one to call out
By Marcin Niewirowicz
Translated by the author
by Various Authors
Edited by Jane Commane
Published by Nine Arches Press (2021)
Marcin Niewirowicz is a poet, photographer and librarian at the National Library of Poland. He was twice shortlisted for a major Polish poetry award, the Jacek Bierezin Prize (2014, 2016), and received the Artur Fryz Prize commendation (2018). His poems were featured in many prestigious literary magazines in Poland. His two volumes of poetry are: Dociekania strefy (Nisza, 2017) and Wszystkie ptaszki, które miałem w garści (Nisza, 2020).
Photo by Lisa Kalloo
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THE SHADOW by Pentti Saarikoski, translated by Emily Jeremiah and Fleur Jeremiah
A FAREWELL TO MY DEAD CLASS by Irit Amiel, translated by Anna Blasiak and Marta Dziurosz
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DECEMBER, by Jaume Subirana, translated by Christopher Whyte
ROSE RED, by Ulrike Almut Sandig, translated by Karen Leeder
*** (I D[R]IPPED MY PEN…) by Mario Martín Gijón, translated by Terence Dooley
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TRANSLATION by Justyna Bargielska, translated by Maria Jastrzębska
*** (MY EYES, DENSE NIGHT…) by Gëzim Hajdari, translated by Ian Seed